Entering Beta phase

Finally, after months of development, I decided Look at my Hair it’s mature enough to enter the beta testing phase.
The team has been established and will start its work in a few days.
Here is a simple screenshot showing the current interface: as you can see we have a left viewport where you can style and model hair (you can easily trigger the comb, scissor, scale tool and use the mouse to style hair), and a tool widget on the right subdivided in four main sections:

– the Global controls (import, export, load and save projects, resync objects, create/delete shave groups, brush controls, clipping controls);
– the Follicles section (add/remove single follicles, through the marquee rectangular tool or inheriting surface configuration)
– the Styling section (grow guide hair and apply different deformers to get the proper shape)
– the Full Hair section (grow full hair with different densities, randomize roots, randomize lengths, razor tool, tuft tool)

There are also several dialogs that allow to setup program options (can choose your own background, in this case I used a blackboard one), setup materials and properties for each shave group and lot more.
Stay tuned for more information incoming next days…

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© Alessandro Mastronardi